BIAFRA IPOB: WHAT MBAKA AND OTHER MEN OF GOD SHOULD KNOW - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc BIAFRA IPOB: WHAT MBAKA AND OTHER MEN OF GOD SHOULD KNOW - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc


Authored by Anyi kings For (TBP)

When we fight and sacrifice our lives, money and time to restore Biafra
It's because we want to restore our identity back as a corrupt free race
It's because we want to build nation that shall be envy of the whole world .
It's because biafra shall be a light to the whole black race .
It's because biafra shall be a nation worthy of emulation as in a terms of zero tolerance in corruption.
It's because biafra government structure shall be people's driven not politicians driven, and shall be only conducive for the selfless leaders that have peoples interest at heart.

It's because in Biafra the people shall determine who govern or lead them and shall have power to remove their leaders When they do not live up to the expectations.
It's because cabals shall not exist or shall be rendered useless as they shall be powerless in terms of determining who rule or governs the people. As it's happen in Nigeria where our supposed leaders always ran to (sultan) satan of sokoto to anoint them from far away Ugwu Hausa to come to biafra land and rule over us with terms and condition in the interest of Hausa/fulanis.
We fight for biafra with all truth and honesty so when biafra is restored we shall build biafra with all truth and honesty.
We fight for biafra with disciplined leaders and followers, so when biafra is restored we shall build biafra with disciplined leaders and citizens.
This is what our indefatigable leader prince maazi Nnamdi Kanu the supreme leader of ipob world wide thought us in words and in action. This is the quality of leadership he possess. This is why biafrans worldwide love him so much .
This is why Ipob under him is the most disciplined organisation in the whole world.
This is why in ipob many mountain has fallen ones you are found wanted irrespective of your connections, academical position or executive posts in (IPOB)
This is why ipob is indestructible,
This is why ipob has not been found guilty of any charges and shall not be found guilty of any charges by any court of law against its member or their leader. Irrespective of series of false allegations being charged against them by nigeria government.
This is why Nigeria government and Biafra politicians in Nigeria are afraid of ipob and frustrated because in IPOB we are uncompromising.
This is why if you claim to be a man of God and you are negatively seeing the restoration of biafra led by our upright man a God chosen man NNAMDI KANU as a second version of nigeria government or maybe worst, Like as MBAKA is insinuating then your claim as a man of God or a prophet of God is questionable.
Claiming to be man of God does not make one a man of God neither does graduating from seminary schools and being ordained to be priest makes one a man of God, You are a man of God when you call evil evil, You are a man of God when you are led by spirit of God to identify the truth and direct your members to the truth, You are a man of God when you are ready to sacrifice your life and whatever you have only for the sake of justice without waiting for Mr A or B . You are a man of God when you preach your members against corruption , You are a man of God when you preach your members to be without fear for the sake of righteousness even at gun point , because if you are shot dead just for saying no to illegal extortion of money by the zoo military you died as a hero, and as a child of God. The word of God said that on the last day many shall be disappointed and shall query God and boast to have done so many miracle and prophecies in his name. But he will tell them depart from me you workers of inequities.
Watch this video and see what it means to be a leader and a man of God and what it means to fight corruption and what if at least 3% of the so called prominent men of God in this contraption called Nigeria are doing nigeria would have been a better place. But lo" and behold no one is interested to preach against bribery and corruption in Nigeria no government institution is interested to fight against bribery and corruption rather they encourage them. All what the so called men of God is interested is prosperity preaching they empty your pocket by threatening you to sow your seed and give you false hope of being a millionaire overnight .
This is why we want biafra . This is why we chose NNAMDIKANU this is why we must support NNAMDIKANU KANU .This is why We most restore Biafra. This is why we most not listen to fake pastors and fake reverend fathers . Because you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

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