7 Reasons Why A Man Runs Away When He Feels He Is Falling In Love - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc 7 Reasons Why A Man Runs Away When He Feels He Is Falling In Love - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

7 Reasons Why A Man Runs Away When He Feels He Is Falling In Love

Most women, when relating to a man, expect this to be the ideal partner. They want him not to be a liar or wear masks, but this does not always happen and because of such disappointment, some women despair, blame themselves for the relationship that did not work out.


There are also certain women who are subjected to disastrous relationships, suffering violence and abuse. They become slaves to their own neediness and partner to avoid experiencing loneliness or the malicious comments of “spinster.”

Note the 7 reasons a man flees when he feels he is falling in love:

1. Fear

Unfortunately, many relationships that seem to be excellent end up being broken by fear. Even if an apparent man is sure of himself, when he realizes he can fall in love, he prefers to end a relationship rather than give continuity.

2. Unresolved

There are many unresolved men who do not know if they actually invest in the relationship or they fall out. Some even have character and worthily end it.

However, there are cruel men who remain in a dating or engagement for 10 years, then realize that the relationship will not flow and end it all by saying they do not want to build a life with their long-time partner.

3. Immature

Many women are deeply disappointed to invest their best in the relationship, yet they discover that it was a great waste of time because they imagined being involved with a man when in fact he was just an immature boy. Generally, immatures do not know the value of a relationship, they do not understand the importance of fidelity and loyalty between a couple.

4. Uncommitted

As much as the partner seems to be cool and very passionate, if he is not a man committed to the relationship, he will hardly assume his partner.
The uncommitted person jumps from branch to branch easily, meaning, this type of man does not want a family, it aims at distractions and pleasures. This person does not allow himself or herself and does not want a lasting commitment.

5. Weakness

The woman who believes that all men are strong is deceived, many of them are weak in the commitment to make a relationship. They become very fragile when it comes to committing to family covenants.

6. Injured

A man may try a new relationship and may even be very attracted to the new partner, however, if he is not healed of the wounds left by the last relationship, he will flee the new relationship once he realizes the idea of compromise.

Wounds that are not cared for do not heal, they will continue to hurt, so he is not ready to start over.

7. It’s not love

It is one thing to feel physical attraction, to feel the heart jump for the person, another thing is to feel that you can not live without that person and that you would make any just sacrifice to make you happy or help you overcome your difficulties.

An important factor that every woman needs to remember is that love involves a deep loyalty and loyalty to the partner, this is required of both parties within a relationship. Different from the passion that is always centered on the people around rather than centering on the relationship.

Passion is related to outer beauty, that is, physical attraction and overwhelming feelings and desires that invade the mind and body.

True love is able to see the attributes and character of a person, only in love, there is the sincere desire to assume the relationship with the willingness to fight for the well-being of the loved one.

Via : Dailyfamily.ng
7 Reasons Why A Man Runs Away When He Feels He Is Falling In Love Reviewed by Unknown on 12:40:00 pm Rating: 5

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