THE LNC, RBI, AND IPOB SHOULD JOIN FORCES AND RESTORE BIAFRA - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc THE LNC, RBI, AND IPOB SHOULD JOIN FORCES AND RESTORE BIAFRA - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc


A mad fool told me to stop suing for peace before I get tagged saboteur. Well, I called him a mad man because he does not know the acceptation of sabotage. A saboteur is someone that upsets the apple cat of a group. I was told that the operators of the RBI sabotaged the struggle. I have got varying responses from our own mother body and active members of that group. My job is to see how I can broker peace between waring factions. I am a man of peace. Those who have met me can attest to that. It takes a nitwit and dolt to call a peacemaker a saboteur. If I receive such treatment for doing something that God instructed me to do through prophecy, then I will gladly recline to academics and watch my traducers do this job.

I think the best way to speedily restore Biafra is by looking inward to understand what we need to do. Looking inward will reveal some smog marring visibility. The revelation that came after my solid morning devotion is a good one: the need for the various factions in the restoration project to harmonise for optimum result. I know that some people went as far as doing very nasty and seemingly unforgivable things, but we need to go past it and work together. Any house divided against itself is bound to take a detour (a long route) to its destination. The IPOB cannot afford to make that mistake. We must keep our minds wide open for possible reabsorption of prodigal sons and daughters.

The operators of RBI are Biafrans, whether we agree or not. We can see them as sick members of our group needing treatment. I may not be privy to what actually caused the split, but I know that if we are truly for liberation of our people, then we should all be able to forgive one another and forge ahead. I have been told that the IPOB had an opening for reconciliation that the splinter group failed to cash in on. I also heard that the said group, under the aegis of Clifford, has done unprintable things to scuttle the struggle. As bad as that seems, I think the best account is that given by both factions. I am a member of the IPOB under Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Nothing can change the love and fealty I have for my beloved leader, Kanu. However, I must do what a thinker should do. It is my bounden duty to keep sentiment aside and clear the mist in this imbroglio. What Biafra restoration needs are UNITY and HARMONY.

I bestride the path of peace. We need peace, love, and understanding. If we are truly desirous of Biafra; if we truly care about freeing our people from the shackles and fetters; if we are truly the children of light, then this is the time to look back in order to see far. We cannot continue to sweep this issue under the carpet and hope to walk comfortably. The RBI operators must as a matter of exigency swallow their pride and fix a meeting with the mother body. Yes, this has to come from Dr. Clifford and his group. There is no shame in making the first move for peace. Those that are with the splinter group should read this piece and bring their body to the dialogue table. We must fix our home and fight the big fight. We are about to take this struggle for freedom to its zenith. Referendum will come only when we do the right thing. I challenge the RBI operators to initiate this peace move and prove to us all that they are Biafrans. I urge the mother body to keep a space in their heart for possible forgiveness. God in heaven will help us.

The Lower Niger Congress (LNC) has a very intelligent arrowhead, Tony Nnadi. That body is another one that seeks freedom from oppression and socio-economic disintegration. Tony is one person that knows his onion. I have noticed that he is another aggrieved person. He claims, with compelling facts, that our mother body breached an agreement. Well, these are some of the disturbing issues we must tackle. I think a round-table confab with all the arrowheads of the various bodies present can end this. If Biafra is what we all seek, then these issues must be trashed out, not jettisoned. An avoided problem grows to become a monster. There are dire consequences for deliberate NEGLIGENCE. I am the man crying in the wilderness for change. We must start doing everything possible to restore Biafra. I will work with my big partner to see how we can forge a common front. We must make progress, willy nilly.

I want someone to think of what the mergence of RBL, RBI, and LNC can do to Nigeria. Please, I want a multi-faceted approach. It is time to unleash our complete arsenal on the oppressor. It is time to fix our home and destroy that of the enemy. I propose resolution of all conflicts now. The coastal part of Biafra will be taken with ease when all the factions resolveto work as a team. I must do what a true lover of his people must do. I love Biafra. I choose Biafra before Biafrans, and that is why I must do the needful to birth my beloved nation. If this rancour amongst the various active forces is not resolved today, we shall meet it as a big monster tomorrow. God forbid! All hail Biafra!
Russell Idatoru Sunju Bluejack hails from Bonny, Rivers State, Coastal Biafra.

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