I have noticed that a lot of people don't like me because of the the distinct way I work for the restoration of Biafra. Well, I wish I could apologise for being different. It is just a wish, not an intention per se because I must continue to do what I must to save my unborn kids, family, and entire generation from the thralldom of oppression.
I am an Ijaw man. We, the Ijaw, don't believe in stiff and choking rules and stifling regulations. Don't also forget that I am a functional, not armchair, thinker. I don't follow anyone or idea sheepishly. Of course, if Uwazuruike were still the pathfinder of the quest to restore Biafra, I, Russell Idatoru Sunju Bluejack, would have kept my distance. I keyed into the IPOB platform for this glorious struggle for liberation because I just love Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. It is the right of every Biafran to work for the restoration of Biafra without let or hindrance.
It is noteworthy that before I became the revolutionary vehicle in the coastal part of Biafra, I had etched my name in gold as a political writer working with the PDP social media team. With all sense of humility, I think I was the best writer they had in my state. Even as a political writer I never evinced love for money or appointment. I just relished the fact that I made the opposition run helter skelter. Yes, I love it when those against, the naysayers, tremble.
I am an Ijaw man. We are always thorough and tactical. I know that nowhere in Ijawland would those dancers in the East have shot at people without getting it hot. That is how we are. I am educated, but you must note that the members of IYC, MEND, NDA, and numerous other soldiering bodies in Ijaw are educated, too. What it means is that we don't pick the pen and drop the weapon. We use both! I am a pen warrior, yes, but I know when to drop the pen for a better tool.
I am against the publicity given to the BSS. I still think the BSS should have remained out of public knowledge. That was a very poor tactics from our beloved IPOB. I score them below average for tactlessly costing us lives. All the oppressors needed from us was one careless move, and the BSS publicity made us play into their hand. Our IPOB administrators must begin to consult widely before doing some of these things they do. They must endeavour to court resource persons within and outside their rank and file before delving into some knotty dealings. Let us MAXIMISE ACTION and MINIMISE PAINFUL REACTIONS.
Someone went on air to summon our unarmed youths when the Fulani soldiers attacked our leader. That was a very wrong call. The right call should have been to our formidable warlords in the coastal part of Biafra. That Isi Alangwa incident would have been averted. I am sure that our IPOB administrators will be less EMOTIONAL and more TACTICAL concerning the struggle. That EMOTIONAL CALL cost us lives. That is the bitter truth we have not told ourselves. The notion that "Death is inevitable" is a cliché, but we must die only when DEATH IS GOLDEN.
Let me round off with this address concerning my modus operandi. Some of my stereotypical compatriots in the quest to liberate our people question my mode of operation without looking at the result achieved. Well, I was advised by some very learned and aged veterans in my region to refrain from uptight rules and regulations. According to these elders, I am too knowledgeable to be tied down. Yes, I agree with them in toto. I love rules and regulations, but whenever and wherever they stifle progress, I will break them and get things done. REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVISM is never to be in chains.
Biafra will come in our own time because we have the needed good heads and sound minds for the struggle. The Ibibio /Efik, Ijaw, Igbo, and other constituents must all function distinctly for the same goal. There must be mutual respect for the incongruous cultures and traditions that give fervour to our heterogeneity. We are MINIMALLY DIFFERENT but MAXIMALLY THE SAME. I will continue to operate without recourse to extant rules. What I need is Biafra. My hardcore younger brother and family call me GHOST because I go to places people dread to win souls for Biafra. I always go down and come back up. Even the creeks and slums where you find humans and beasts are not spared. Biafra must spread like the harmattan inferno.
No one can stop my train in this struggle. My ideas come from Jehovah. I work harder each time I remember that we have died. I will continue to work with you all until Biafra is restored. I have injected the spirit of COLLECTIVE PARTICIPATION, THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY into the struggle. I pray it stays. Biafra must be the best nation in Africa. That is the tall dream we have. May God help us all. Amen! Please do whatever you can to support the newsletter. That dream must not die! No good dream should die in Biafra. Leave your comfort zones and work for Biafra. Shalom.
Russell Idatoru Sunju Bluejack writes, thinks, counsels , and analyses politics, religion, and the economy.
ALL IN THE NAME OF BIAFRA: THE WAYS OF AN IJAW MAN -- Russell Idatoru Sunju Bluejack
Reviewed by Unknown
5:14:00 pm
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