20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant

As the first person to know when you’re pregnant, you have the chance (and pressure) to surprise your husband with the big news. Try one of these fun ways to let your husband know your family is growing:

1. Buy him a manual

If this is his first child, he’s got a lot of learning to do now that he’s going to be a dad. Pick up a how-to book on preparing to be a father and wrap it up to give to your hubby when he least suspects it.

2. Capture the moment

Schedule a family photo and during one of the last shots, instead of “say cheese,” have the photographer shout, “say Emily’s pregnant!” Now you’ll have pictures of everyone’s reactions.

3. Do a puzzle

Personalize a puzzle with a message or a photo of your ultrasound. Do the puzzle together, and see how quickly he can figure out what it is.

4. Get a “baby fund” piggy bank

Get a piggy bank that says “baby fund” on the front. You can even leave a note that says, “We have nine months to save up!”

5. Give him a coupon

Give your husband a coupon that says “redeemable for one baby in nine months”. If you know your expected due date, you can include that as the expiration date.

6. Hide the pregnancy test

Whether it’s hiding in his shoe or in the fridge, put it somewhere he looks often so he can find it – he won’t see it coming!

7. Let your child announce it

Have your child wear a shirt that announces the new addition to the family. Let them show off that they’re going to be a big brother or big sister soon and be a part of this big surprise.

8. Let your future baby announce it

Print your first ultrasound and attach a note that says, “I can’t wait to meet you, daddy!”

9. Let your pet announce it

Attach the message to your pet’s collar. Next time your hubby rubs their tummy, he will be in for a nice surprise!

10. Make room for the baby

Empty out a drawer or shelf, and leave a note that says, “Make room for me, daddy!” You can even replace what was there with baby booties or toys.

11. Message in a cup

Order a personalized mug with the message in the bottom of the cup. He’ll be left smiling after he finishes his drink.

12. Put a bun in the oven

Put a bun in the oven with a toothpick and slip of paper to create a little flag that says “baby,” “I’m pregnant” or even your due date. When dinner is ready, ask him to get the food out of the oven.

13. Put a message in a picture frame

This one works especially well for your first baby. Find a frame or create your own that says “I love my daddy.” Inside the frame, put a note that says “picture coming soon!”

14. Put a surprise in his dessert

Give him a small box with a cupcake, cookie or another treat inside. Write “I’m pregnant” on the inside of the box for a sweet surprise.

15. Set one extra plate on the table

While setting the table, place a kid’s plate and cup at an open seat. He’s sure to notice this one!

16. Stork delivery

Leave a package on the doorstep that says “stork delivery.” If you have kids, let them help you decorate it.

17. Swap out his cup for a bottle

Instead of placing a cup by his dinner plate, pour his drink into a baby bottle. He might be confused at first, but his confusion will quickly turn into surprise!

18. Take pictures in a photo booth

Next time you’re at the mall, stop at the photo booth. During the first picture, hold up a sign that says “You’re going to be a dad!” or “I’m pregnant!” The next few pictures will capture his reaction.

19. Wear an “I’m pregnant” t-shirt

Put on a shirt that announces your pregnancy, and see how long it will take your husband to notice!

Here are a few ideas

20. Wrap up the pregnancy test

Keep it simple and wrap up the positive pregnancy test with a card that says, “You’re going to be a dad!”

No matter how you announce your pregnancy, your husband will be thrilled to hear the exciting news.

Credit : Familyshare.com
20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant Reviewed by Unknown on 6:23:00 am Rating: 5

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