BIAFRA: Military finalize plan to kill Nnamdi Kanu - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc BIAFRA: Military finalize plan to kill Nnamdi Kanu - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

BIAFRA: Military finalize plan to kill Nnamdi Kanu

By Russell Idatoru Bluejack


One of the signs of bad and unproductive leadership is poor timing. The act of a very bad government might be wrong, but it becomes worse when it is ill timed as well. We have all become witnesses to the movement of military arsenals from Abuja to the peaceful South-East region in a mistimed attempt by the mishandlers of Nigeria's depression-bound economy to clamp down on the peaceful and globally legal agitation for self determinism.

This association of looters called Federal Government of Nigeria have proven time and again that what matters to them is the spooky unity of Nigeria, not the WELFARE OF NIGERIANs in an economy dotted by high cost of living and very, very poor STANDARD OF LIVING. This oppressive intent of the Hausa-Fulani handlers of our ailing economy proves that Nigerians that still believe in the apparition called UNITY are in trouble. There is no sign whatsoever that this clueless FGN can remove the economy of Nigeria and the welfare of Nigerians from the woods.

But one wonders why this sort of military incursion was not the case with Agatu in Benue, where herdsmen ravished women and killed several thousands. Why were military artillery not deployed in a Gestapo manner to areas ravaged by Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram? It does appear that the violent acts of Fulani herdsmen and the dreaded Boko Haram have become "acceptable". 

What makes the politically and economically excluded South-East more dangerous than the North and any other region in Nigeria? For instance, we are all aware of the numerous killings by Baddoo Fraternity in the West; in some cases, families were killed in the most gruesome and barbaric manner. How come military artillery were not deployed to the West? What is that thing happening in the South-East that warrants this sort of worrisome and illegal militarisation? What manner of illogicality inheres in the militarization of a peaceful region whilst condoning the destructive activities taking place in other regions?
The international community cannot continue to play spectator role in this obvious attempt to wipe out peaceful agitators. The international community must remind this devious handlers of Nigeria that it is criminal to respond to peaceful calls for freedom this way. It is time for the likes of Vladimir Putin of Russia and Donald Trump of USA to wade in and avert a genocide that is in the offing. 

How many more unarmed Biafra agitators are the international community willing to sacrifice before moving in? Does human life mean nothing to our brothers and sisters outside the shores of Nigeria? What is ECOWAS waiting for? Why is ECOWAS dragging its feet in the face of obvious attempt by the Hausa/Fulani-controlled Nigeria to further the extermination of Igbo-speaking Biafrans?

Why does the United Nations (UN) have to wait for situations like this to get uglier and irreparable before stepping in? Yours truly, the writer of this piece, is one of the educated Biafrans whose life hangs on a very thin thread. The life of our hero, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, a very educated arrowhead of the struggle for the extrication of Biafra nationals from festering and pernicious grips of Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba nations, hangs on a very thin thread, too. Are the international community waiting for the Hausa/Fulani to kill refined humans in the most gruesome manner before doing what is right? What is the African Union (AU) waiting for? The situation has got worse, and I think any further delay from our international neighbours will be interpreted as glaring COMPLICITY in the criminal attempt to kill unarmed agitators for freedom from oppression. 

Trump-led US, Putin-led Russia, May-led Britain, UN, ECOWAS, and AU are under watch. We, the peace-loving Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) will not fail to drag all the aforementioned international bodies and persons to the ICC in the Hague should anything happen to our hero, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Any further loss of life in Biafraland will spell doom for our international neighbours. They have refused to give us referendum. They have refused to protect our lives and properties from the destructive tendencies of our enemy in Nigeria. What do the international community really want? Our lives, I guess.

On our part, however, we think this criminal militarisation of our peaceful region is ill timed. We know the real intent behind this movement of artillery is to stop the peaceful rallies in the region. Everyone can see that our lovely rallies have stung the oppressors so hard that all they can do is to resort to intimidation. The international community should note that we have restrained ourselves from resorting to violence, even in the face of their unprovoked attacks and killings. 

Thousands of innocent lives have been sacrificed. How many more of our youths do we have to sacrifice? Fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters, and children have been brutally killed for peacefully agitating for freedom. If things spiral out of control and birth another civil war, Putin, Trump, Theresa May UN, AU, and ECOWAS will be held responsible. Their silence in the midst of disturbing violence shown by Nigeria to peaceful Biafra agitators is CRIMINAL. 

We are watching with keen attention for international conspiracy. Rumours are rife that the demonic activities of Hausa/Fulani have the backing of the international community. We are all eyes. Further imperviousness to our plight will confirm that rumour.
But because we are God's children, our enemies (local and international) will be put to shame. Freedom is our right. We shall continue to agitate nonviolently until the breath of fresh air in the land of the rising sun becomes our portion. No amount of deployment of armoury will stop us from working hard to emancipate ourselves from slavery. Our resources are the economic mainstay of Nigeria, yet our environments remain underdeveloped. This predatory relationship between Biafra nation and Nigeria must stop. We have chosen a peaceful means to restore Biafra. We must be free. It is our right to be free. 

Statehood is by choice, not force. We have rejected Nigeria. We were never Nigerians, in the first place. Our nation is Biafra. Biafra is all we need. Biafra we shall have. This contemporary slavery must end in Nigeria. We are too EDUCATED, REFINED, GODLY, EXPOSED, and HUMAN to share the same geographical enclave with Hausa/Fulani. The time to go is now! So help us Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Shalom. All hail Biafra!

Russell Idatoru Bluejack is a thinker, a revolutionary writer, a motivational speaker, a university tutor, and socio-economic and political analyst that writes from Port Harcourt
BIAFRA: Military finalize plan to kill Nnamdi Kanu BIAFRA: Military finalize plan to kill Nnamdi Kanu Reviewed by C. Daiv on 9:35:00 am Rating: 5

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