Wow! This Woman Says She is Too Beautiful to Have Friends Because Being Attractive is a Curse (Photos) - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc Wow! This Woman Says She is Too Beautiful to Have Friends Because Being Attractive is a Curse (Photos) - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

Wow! This Woman Says She is Too Beautiful to Have Friends Because Being Attractive is a Curse (Photos)

Jane Curnow

Jane Curnow, a 51-year-old fitness model has claimed that her good looks have cost her friends and given her unwanted attention that led to depression.

According to The Sun UK, the woman, from Sydney, Australia, hit the dating scene after her marriage ended, and says women quickly became “jealous and resentful” towards her.

“After my second marriage ended, I entered the single scene and quickly realised just how much attention men were giving me,” she told

“I’d get constant looks and comments, and felt like men were undressing me with their eyes.
“Women were (and still are) jealous and resentful towards me but, at the time, I didn’t put it down to my looks and their own insecurities.”

While jealousy towards Jane became the norm, she never expected it to extend to her friends.

“I’ve lost many friends and always thought it was my fault,” she said.

“I didn’t attribute it to my looks until my 30s, when so called friends walked out on me in bars because of the male attention I received.”

At the age of 32, and after years of suffering, Jane was diagnosed with depression.

By the age of 40 — still single and childless — she believed her life was over.

It wasn’t until she recovered, that she realised how much her appearance had impacted on this mind-set.

“On reflection, I realised the power of my appearance, but the resulting feelings were not of pride or happiness but of incredible pressure,” she said.

“I asked myself; If I’m as good looking as everyone says, then why am I so unhappy? Why aren’t I living the dream?”

With friends, family and professionals telling her she was beautiful, Jane became obsessed with maintaining her figure and looks to achieve happiness.

She quickly learnt that was not the answer.

“If you don’t love yourself without the body and looks, this doesn’t change when you do. In fact, it only highlights how much you hate the person inside,” she said.

“You end up attaching your self-worth to the outside which is the wrong way around.”

Working as a fitness model and lifestyle coach, Jane is now empowering other women to find and embrace their inner and outer beauty, in the way that she finally has.
Wow! This Woman Says She is Too Beautiful to Have Friends Because Being Attractive is a Curse (Photos) Wow! This Woman Says She is Too Beautiful to Have Friends Because Being Attractive is a Curse (Photos) Reviewed by Unknown on 3:39:00 pm Rating: 5

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