5 Things Your Girlfriend Will Want But Won’t Ask For - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc 5 Things Your Girlfriend Will Want But Won’t Ask For - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

5 Things Your Girlfriend Will Want But Won’t Ask For

Keeping your girlfriend happy isn’t that big of a deal as some of the guys make it sound like it to be. You just need to give her time, pay attention to what she says, love her, care for her and occasionally make the odd compromises. It’s very simple if you think about it. However, there are sometimes when dealing with the woman in your life can be difficult. This is because there are certain things that they will want you to do but will never directly ask for it.

Here are 5 of such things.

5. Touch her

No this isn’t meant with any S3xual intent. Touching your girlfriend does not always have to be S3xual or lead to S3x. It can be something as small has holding hands while walking, playing with her hair while watching a movie, playing with her fingers as you two are talking. These are the little intimate touching that your girl will want from you but won’t ask because it’s actually your job to make the effort. Do these stuff and watch how much more she falls in love with you.

4. Surprise her

You don’t always have to go big when it comes to surprising her. Yes, pulling out all stops to surprise her on her birthdays or anniversaries will mean a great deal for her and will benefit your relationship but that doesn’t mean you have to do it big all the time. She will have only one birthday and one anniversary a year but there are countless other days when you can surprise her with the little things. Buy her a random gift, take her to a sudden shopping trip. Girls love flowers, so surprise her with her favorite ones. Or you could simply drop by at her office for lunch and surprise her there. Cooking her favorite dish or bringing breakfast to bed will make her day that much better as well.

3. Say “I love you”

Now a lot of people tend to forget the very usage of these three words. Yes, you two are in love, you know it, she knows it, the whole world knows it. But how many times do you actually say it to one another? It might not seem like a big deal but saying these words just out of the blue or casually mentioning it to her will delight her beyond her wits. Imagine if she is sitting there doing some work and you just walk to her and kiss her forehead and tell her “I love you”, you can bet she will have a huge grin on her face for the rest of the day.

2. Treat her right

This is, in fact, a common thing among a lot of guys. There is no denying that you love her a lot. You care so much and would do anything for her, but there are times when you simply ignore her. And that’s more common when you are out with your friends. There seems to be a complete change in the way you behave with her when around friends. You forget her and don’t seem to want her company. All girls want to be loved and treated the same way in front of your friends. They want to be a part of your guys circle and want to have a good time with you and your friends. They hate it when the guy makes them feel like a drag. And although she won’t exactly tell you this, you can see how much she feels hurt when you act differently when with friends.

1. Express your feelings

Men have a good way of bottling up feelings. Sometimes it’s good to let go of those bottled up feelings especially if they are about how much you love your girl. Your girlfriend will be more than happy to hear how much she means to you. Tell her how she makes you feel, about what she means to your life and how much things have changed ever since you met her. Put these words down in writing and make her feel special. She will surely have tears of joy rolling down her cheeks as she reads them.

Credit : Illuminaija.com
5 Things Your Girlfriend Will Want But Won’t Ask For 5 Things Your Girlfriend Will Want But Won’t Ask For Reviewed by Unknown on 9:57:00 am Rating: 5

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