14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc 14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language - Watchdogz Tech, News, Life Hacks, Metro, iLearning etc

14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language

Read The Facts and Tips Below 

14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language

Noticing the signs of attraction that are hidden in body language can instantly tell you if a guy likes you or not. Reading a man’s body includes looking at the way he carries himself, the movement of his eyes, the stiffness in his posture and some of the other obvious signs of passive flirting.

Glossy magazines and fancy blogs often talk about body language without considering the opposite behavioral traits of introverted and extroverted men. This article helps women decode the signals depending on whether the guy is a shy introvert or an outspoken extrovert. Look out for these clues to decide if he is really interested in you.

How to Know if Shy Guys Are Interested in You Through Body Language

1) A Guy Stares at You but Turns Away When You Look at Him

This is a classic sign of attraction, especially in shy guys. When a guy keeps staring at you but looks away the very instant you look back at him, you should play this game a couple of times.

If he keeps doing the same thing every time, it is a sign that he can’t keep his eyes off you but he does not have the courage to approach you.

2) A Guy Suddenly Starts Fidgeting

Another clear sign of attraction is when a guy seems to have a complete meltdown and he starts to nervously fidget when you are in front of him. This is a common trait in men who are not confident enough to ask a girl out.

He will start playing with his fingers, keep taking his hands in and out of his pockets, move his tongue on his lips, shift his position unnecessarily, run his fingers through his hair, and make other fidgety body movements. These are standard signs of attraction for flirting — feel free to approach the guy and wait for him to make the move.

3) He Becomes Uptight and Seems Uneasy

Feeling anxious and uneasy could be a natural response in a shy guy’s body language when he sees an attractive girl walking towards him. His body will become rigid and still if he is attracted to you.

You can easily spot these signs when a guy suddenly starts sitting up straight as if he were doing yoga or stands stiffly as if he had a back problem.

4) The Guy Suddenly Looks for Things to Do

A shy guy will typically feel his anxiousness getting the best of him when intimidated by the presence of a beautiful woman. He is likely to start looking for things that he can do to keep himself busy and mask the obvious signs of awkwardness.

He may needlessly start going through different apps on his smartphone, fiddle around with his laptop or do anything that makes him look busy. This is typically portrayed in popular culture as something a shy guy would do in an elevator when a pretty girl walks in.

5) He Flinches When You Touch Him

You can find out whether a guy likes you or not by engaging in some flirty body language tactics. Touch a guy by putting your palm on his thigh with your fingers facing inwards or by placing your palm on his biceps.

If the guy was really waiting for a spark between both of you, these moves should instantly evoke a flinch. He may suddenly act weird or have a quirky look on his face.

6) His Eyes Get Drawn Towards Your Curves

Take it as a sign of attraction when an extremely shy guy can’t draw his eyes away from your curves. He may be unable to stop himself from looking at your cleavage while talking to you but don’t mistake him as a pervert instantly because he is simply intimated by your looks.

Expect this nervousness in his body language to calm down once he gets comfortable while talking to you.

Signs an Extrovert Is Interested in You Through Body Language

1) A Guy Comes Too Close for Comfort

A telltale sign that an extrovert is attracted to you is when they come inside your personal space. This will be a guy’s way of heavily flirting with you and testing to see if you respond to his moves.

This especially happens in crowded pubs, nightclubs and other public venues when a guy stands foot-to-foot with you with the pretext of saying something to you in your ear because there is too much noise.

2) A Guy Keeps Staring at You, Looks Into Your Eyes, and Smiles

An extroverted guy who likes you will instantly look into your eyes and give you a small smile. He will try to judge the way you react to see if you like him back. Extroverted men don’t like to leave too much to ambiguity when it comes to flirting with women. They will want to give you every possible sign from their body language to let you know that they are attracted to you.

3) He Pulls Up His Shoulders, Holds His Arms Wider, and Pushes His Chest Out

A guy will instantly want to look his strongest when he wants to impress a woman that he likes. This will involuntarily make him pull up his shoulders, suck in his stomach, push his chest out and hold his arms out as if he were a bodybuilder with a massive frame.

This is a common body language sign of attraction in men who have a strong sense of ego and take pride in their bodies and physical appearance. They want to use their body as an asset to show their masculinity and strength.

4) His Voice Becomes Loud and Affirmative

In your first interaction with a guy, notice the fluctuating pitch of his voice. A sudden increase in the volume of his voice is a sign that he wants to get your attention. It is normal for an extroverted guy to have a loud and affirmative voice when he wants to impress a girl by making his presence known.

5) He Is Sitting With His Legs Wide Apart

A common sign of attraction and strong flirting is when a guy sits with his legs wide apart so that his crotch area is on full display. Only alpha males and guys who have extremely high levels of confidence have this involuntary body language sign built into their genes.

A man with a reserved personality may not display this trait. Take it as a sign of attraction if the guy is also outspoken and a complete extrovert.

6) He Shows Disgust When You Speak With Other Men

An extrovert who does not hold back showing his feelings will show disgust when he spots you talking to another man. Consider the classic example of a guy talking to you at a party. He will frown or grimace if another guy approaches and has a conversation with you. This will be evident because if he is really attracted to you, he will want to have your complete attention.

7) He Puts His Hands Around You, Holds Your Hands, or Gets Touchy

Guys who are outspoken and extremely friendly might get touchy if they are strongly attracted to you. He can put an arm around your shoulders while you are sitting on a couch or place his palms on your lower back to guide you indoors as you walk.

Getting touchy will be a natural sign of attraction for a guy and these movements will be driven by his subconscious. There will not be any hint of nervousness in his actions when he gets touchy because these levels of interaction are a normal trait in his behavior.

Credit : Pairedlife.com
14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language 14 Signs That a Guy Likes You Through Body Language Reviewed by Unknown on 11:01:00 am Rating: 5

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