A lettered person acts with care lest certain surreptitious facts get revealed. This is just what the current mishandlers of Nigeria's ailing economy have failed to do. The military operations, in the guise of training, taking place in the South-East and South-South regions prove one fact viz. that these regions are related and should, as a matter of economic and political exigency, begin to work together.
Now that the crocodile has come to smile in the creeks, roads, and streets of the South-South, one wonders whether those that breathed a queer and obnoxious sigh of 'relief' when the python danced in the East will exude the same demeanour. I noticed, to my dismay, and understandably so, that the South-South elders, including the political ones, were quick to deprecate the proscription of and terrorism label on the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). This manifestation of bitterness over the FGN unlawful action came to me as a shock, bearing in mind that some of the constituents of the elders had been in cahoots with the Fulani.
Further acrimony over the terrorism label on the IPOB came from the Oni of Ife and Oba of Lagos, two monarchs from the West. Fr. Mathew Kukah made a very damning presentation that went beyond the terrorism label to give the struggle for self-determinism a clean bill. For the cleric cum activist, the agitation is the direct fallout of social, economic, political, and religious discontent.
My worry is that while all these reactions held sway, the Pharaoh of our time still had the gumption to militarise our regions. The real intent behind these military operations is terrorism. I entertain no modicum of doubt that the palpable fear in the Fulani over the imminent reunion of the South-South and South-East is the precursor to these vicious operations of the military. However, what I find grotesque is why Mr. Unity and those of his ilk think that terrorising our regions will stop what must be. I just wonder.
These acts have worked in our favour, because the indigenes in our regions that felt the agitation for referendum was a distraction know better now. It is a known fact that Boko Haram and its twin social scourge, Fulani herdsmen, have been left unattended while our peaceful regions have become home to unprovoked shootings and killings by the military. As vicious as herdsmen were they were allowed to unleash havoc in various states in Nigeria with impunity, for no herdsman has been apprehended by the law enforcement agencies. The socio-religious jihadists have always gone scot-free. How united are we? The real unity is what they have come to scuttle by killing us. Does anyone get the clear picture now?
The real unity that means anything is that between the South-East and South-South. This is what they are working hard to stop. Readers should recall that prior to the announcement of Director Nnamdi Kanu's sojourn to Ogoniland the military were just onlookers. They want us to remain divided, but are we not too wise to let them have their way? You can see that the soldiers sent to our sister regions are of the Fulani stock, the reason why they were mercilessly vicious, even to the unarmed in the East.
To buttress my stance, someone should ask them why they have come to the South-South. Are pipeline vandals still operating here? Are the flashpoints we had in some parts of the region still pernicious to human existence? Where were these soldiers when cultists operated in our regions without let or hindrance? Why have they come now that our region is calm? Even the blind can see that they are here to ensure that every attempt to unite our regions is forcefully nipped in the bud. They are apprehensive of what the unity of our regions will bring. But we have the final say. We have tested the imaginary unity of Nigeria and seen how wide the disunity is. It behoves us, in the final analysis, to bring to fruition what our heroes of the past failed to do. The only unity that will salvage our regions from oppression is that of the South-South and South-East.
The manner in which they always come for us in one fell swoop is intended to make us tremulous. They always work hard to instil fear in us, but we must be resolute this time. It is time to get the job done totus simul (once and for all). We are not a conquered people. We are not in chains. We are not slaves. We are the ones that sustain the economy of Nigeria. Our sister regions are endowed with what it takes to birth the best nation in the world. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us unite and shame these monsters, rapists, arsonists, and vicious invaders of our lands and properties.
Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, the unity they schmooze about and canvass for is one deep-seated in predatorship, for the owners of the resources are the preys. What they call unity fosters and sustains the hostile relationship between us and them. It is all about our resources, for their plan is to leave their mineral resources unharnessed whilst sapping us dry. They want to dry up our wells and then discard us like pieces of trash. The North never wanted us to be united prior to the discovery of oil in Oloibiri (today's Bayelsa State). Oil and the need to escape the impending extinction due to a 13-year budget deficit brought about this unity. As we read this piece we are still at a loss as to those who actually signed the 1914 amalgamation, bearing in mind that some of the nationalists were teenagers while others were either toddlers or unborn. Nigeria is a MYSTERY, not a country.
My brothers and sisters in the old Eastern Region, this is not the time to think of what you stand to gain from Nigeria. The situation we find ourselves calls for urgent steps. It is time to sit down together, harmonize our differences, reach new agreements, forgive one another for perceived and obvious wrongs in the past, and escape together. Those of us in the South-South that are impervious to the unity call should note that whatever money we are making from the Gambari will stop as soon as they get what they want. They will kill everyone that does not come from Fulani and Islamise this nation. That is their sinister plan, dear readers. These monsters are heinous and without human sympathy. Watch the Nkpor killings and you will see Fulani plucking out the eyes, severing the manhood, and slithing the throats of our Igbo brothers. This gory video went viral in 2016. There is no distinction between Igbo and any other tribe in the eyes of the Gambari, Futa Jallons. They treat every creature that is neither Islamic nor Fulani as chickens to be viciously slaughtered and raped.
They have occupied our sister regions. They understand that our unity will end our sufferings. They wish to sustain the oppression, alienation, and socio-economic and political exclusion of our regions. Yes, that is why they are here. We must continue to be preyed on. They wish to continue to enjoy unmitigating and unencumbered access to our resources. We must remain slavish, politically and economically. It is their intention to keep us apart so that we will be easy picks. We must say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! It is time to pull down that imaginary wall that divides us. It is time for us to start seeing ourselves as brothers and sisters occupying the East and down South. It is time to retrace our common ancestry and start working together. The final proof of our unity lies in the fact that the Biafra that our own Chief Frank Opigo named is what our brothers and sisters in the East still hold on to. How are we different? The oppressors know that we are one, but are happy that some of us do not.
South-East and South-South are one family. Those stupid, mendacious stories that fan the embers of separation are not as dangerous as what lies ahead. We are the victims in this project called Nigeria. Nigeria still exists because of the South-East and South-South. These regions control the business environment and supply the oil. What is Lagos without our Igbo brothers and sisters? Let us unite and build the best nation in the world. Let us sit down and discuss the way forward. Our elders, community associations, traditional rulers etc must work together this time. Our mumu don do! The enemy fears our unity, so let us work hard and give them what they fear. Project Nigeria will come to an abrupt end the day we decide to come together. Our people in Diaspora work together as one family. What is that thing that divides us at home? That demonic spirit responsible for division must fall and die in Jesus's name. Amen.
Nigeria, I reject thee.
Biafra, I long for thee.
Russell Idatoru Bluejack is a thinker, revolutionary writer, university tutor, and socio-economic and political analyst that writes from the creeks in the coastal part of Biafraland.
Reviewed by Unknown
10:16:00 am

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